Monday 21 May 2012

BTB - Sun, sex and suspicious parents

The hit BBC three programme, is the subject for this weeks moan. This is the first time that i've ever moaned about a TV show, so be wary if you do like the show. I like the show, and often watch it, but the entire concept of it is really starting to grate on me. 

First of all, the first couple of episodes were the best. Here's why. Nobody had heard of Sun, sex and suspicious parents before, hence meaning that the children on the show didn't know the concept. They just thought that a camera crew was following them around to record their antics while they frolicked in the sun. However, their parents were watching their every move and judging them while they were under the influence. Like they were never young and mischievous. However, as the show gained more and more popularity, surely the kids on the show have some idea that they are on the programme. I mean, you'd think that at least one of eight participants would twig and think, 'hang on a second, we could be being watched by somebody's parents'.

This has gone for other shows in the past, for example, Big Brother. Now in it's 44th series, or something like that, it is now become a laughing stock to viewers. However, Big Brother was exceptionally good to start with, because nobody knew what was going on. It was 12 contestants thrown into a house and nobody had any idea what was going on, which made for quality viewing. Now, as Channel 5 feeds at the scraps at what Channel 4 no longer want, it's now just repetitive and boring. Everyone knows what is going to happen, and they're running out of ideas to make the show quality viewing. 

Anyway, I digress, so if it wasn't enough that nobody twigs that they're on SSSP (Sun, sex and suspicious parents), is that there's a lot of unnecessary points to the show. There is no need for the parents to sit on top of a bar and watch the videotape of their child. There is no need to sit on a hotel balcony and watch the videotape. Just sit in a room and watch the thing. It doesn't matter where you are. They could actually just send you the video clip back home and save you the cost of flying you out there. 

Then, they'll pop their head over the balcony, or over the bush, to get a look at their child as they're walking on the beach. And then, bob their head down as if the child is going to see them. If the child was to see them then it would have to be a pretty big slice of luck, and then I hardly doubt the episode would be put on television if the kid had walked over to see their parents hiding in a bush. What makes matters worse is the punditry always makes out 'if they are seen now, then it's all over', which in theory is true, but BBC Three aren't going to let that happen.

Finally, parents over react. I suppose this kind of enhances the quality of the show as it would get a bit tedious if they were happy with what they had done on holiday. But, they're young and they're free from the first times of parental grasps so they're obviously going to enjoy themselves. How, boring would the programme be if they had sat round the pool all week and played volleyball in the swimming pool. It's absolutely hilarious to see some of the antics that some get up to on their holiday, and comes right back round to the quality viewing dimension. Parents over react to them drinking too much, or having a bit of hanky panky, and generally just having a good time. They seem to forget that they were young at one point, and probably did antics just as bad, if not worse back in their day.

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