As we twiddled our thumbs, awaiting our next seminar, a group of us students at university got onto the topic of our blogs. The outcry of not bearing enough time on our hands to write honest and heartfelt posts that our readers lovingly deserve. Being up to our necks in presentations and assignments, and our blogs are unnecessary weight that are not helping keep the sinking ship afloat. So, we shed the excess weight and our blogs are on the back burner until Christmas rolls around and we have that precious spare time to blog to our hearts content.
Yet, despite my writing being quite coherent and whimsical, my speaking today wasn't. A slip of the tongue led to me saying my blog was 'edible' as opposed to the intended 'editable'. An honest mistake, but a couple of jokes later we were soon describing my blog as edible chocolate which had 'wit sprinkles'. The name stuck like no-nails.
There's something about the simplicity. The sprinkles make for light heartedness which 'scoping the universe' didn't quite convey. It doesn't quite blanket cover the entirety of my topics like my previous blog name did, but this was too good of an opportunity to pass. A blog name with a story behind it, a real conveyor of the true values of my post, wit. Now, I have to live up to the blog name and right beautifully written ice-cream like blog posts and add delightful helpings of witty sprinkles. Marvelous.
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