Monday 11 June 2012

BTB - Indicators

Indicators are a small part of cars, puny in comparison to the rest of the vehicle's parts such as the engine. However, fundamentally, indicators are quite an important part of a vehicle, especially when it comes to avoiding accidents on the road. Let's divulge. 

I ran indicators as a pretty nifty invention by man, up there with the person who decided to put 'You are here' on a map. Indicators allow us to convey a message to another driver, without winding the window down and shouting where we are planning to go. It's as simple as flicking a little lever, and a bright orange light flashes on the left or the right hand side of the car 'indicating' which path you are choosing to take. This means that other drivers know where you are going, and can plan there path accordingly.

Now the basics have been explained, let's delve deeper.

I've already stated that I believe indicators can, in theory, cause less accidents. Accidents equals death, so in my head, indicating can save lives. It's true, by indicating you're telling another driver not to be hasty in making his decision and not to assume you're going somewhere else. So, everybody should use indicators right? wrong. 

A substantial number of drivers on the road just expect others to know where they're going, and more often than not, go an entire journey without indicating. Indicating can save other peoples lives, never mind your own, so surely it makes sense to flick a lever, it's not really hard work, is it?

A small shout out to Rachel McMaster who gave me the idea for this moan.

My next moan: Day-time adverts

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